
Single Parents (not the TV show)

When I joined the ranks of Single Parents, I was certain of a handful of things. Only a handful.


My single parent home could not look like the other single parents’ homes I had seen. The children placed in my charge were going to become the Children of God they were destined to be.


I never wanted my children to wonder if they were loved and wanted. Often, I wondered where I belonged. 


Contrary to popular belief, If my kids were in a one-parent home, I believed they should have that ONE parent present as much as possible.


There was no way I knew what the do-dah-day I was doing.


There were no resources or trustworthy people with experience who could be a resource for being a single mom.

As I write these words, I am watching a TV show called Single Parents that is exactly what I did not want our lives to look like. Unfortunately, it’s strangely reminiscent of some of my days as a SoloMom.

Every •single• day was full of surprises. Unfortunately, life is full of shark-infested waters to navigate. I cannot imagine what the last nearly 20 years raising my Arrows without God would have looked like.
What I prayed would not be a gray, colorless, scary life has become quite vibrant, colorful and fruit-filled surprise party of a brilliant life!

Single Parent, stay encouraged. Do not grow weary in doing good!

With God all things are possible!

Let Him write the script.
Certainly, His screenplay is far better than Network Fall Premieres in Primetime.
It’s possible the writers of this TV Show are getting one thing right.  Maybe we were left behind.  But we are not alone.  Most importantly, we have God.
As you know, it does take a village – villages are full of people from all walks of life.
People who connect at intersections throughout our lives will play a role in God’s plan.  That’s why it’s paramount to allow God to populate the village.

Naturally, it’s tempting to try to create friendships. Resist the temptation!
Our relationships are what our children will model.  As they watch God create your friendships and relationships, they will learn to trust The Father with those things, as well.
Most importantly, I declare your home is filled with joy, love, and peace!
Therefore, my prayer is for your night to be illuminated with enlightenment from the Holy Spirit in your parenting.
The story of your homes will be in high resolution!
In closing, print the pictures.
In 20 years, you’ll be glad you did.


Stay connected, y’all.

Find me on Instagram and Pinterest. I seem to be hanging out in those areas more and more!

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