
Category: Princess


Single Parents (not the TV show)

When I joined the ranks of Single Parents, I was certain of a handful of things. Only a handful. One: My single parent home could not look like the other single parents’ homes I had seen. The children placed in my charge were going to become the Children of God

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What’s Your 2018 Word of Truth?

Making resolutions this year? Let us help. Take DaySpring’s #LiveYourFaithQuiz (link below) to find your 2018 Word of Truth – one word that will help you focus on what God is calling you to accomplish in the year ahead. Share this blog & link with your friends and followers!! After

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You are Free Book 

Reading this book over again adding the exclusive sneak peek at the video study and study guide has me really joyful all over again! Have you read this book? Read it!It will be the next study I facilitate!  Verses this week: Nehemiah 8:10 Psalm 51:12 2 Timothy 1:7 Psalm 126:5-6

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Praying for a Spouse Day Twelve

1 John 2:16 I woke up this morning thinking about how I really like the gym my husband goes to – because there are no women there.  I trust my husband.  But I do not trust the enemy and I certainly do not trust other women.  So, this gym is

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International Women’s Day 2015

Share this post! Copy and paste this link: Many people are so excited about International Women’s Day today! At #BeholdHerLife we believe every day we should Behold the Women in our lives… BUT, If there IS a day set aside to honor women, why not check that out? So,

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Sticky Sweet Month

This is the first February I have really, really been looking forward to in a very long time.  Being a solo mom for so many years, whether dating someone in February or not, I sort of conditioned myself to have no hope for the “love stuff” on Valentine’s Day.  Combine

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As a young teenager, I wanted to fit in and impress everyone at school.  I can remember going shopping and wishing for designer brands and styles that were ‘in’ ~ and incidentally, right back ‘OUT’ as fast as they came in!  Wanting the newest Vans or Jams and tickets to

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Mean Girl Consequences

The power of your words-stronger than you think! Or maybe, you know already-bullies. What you are saying and texting, posting, tweeting or gossiping about the girl you’ve targeted will stay with her. When will you stop? Will it be when it happens to you? When you reach high school? College?

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As a young teenager, I wanted to fit in and impress everyone at school.  I can remember going shopping and wishing for designer brands and styles that were ‘in’ ~ and incidentally, right back ‘OUT’ as fast as they came in!  Wanting the newest Vans or Jams and tickets to

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