
Category: Solo Parenting


Single Parents (not the TV show)

When I joined the ranks of Single Parents, I was certain of a handful of things. Only a handful. One: My single parent home could not look like the other single parents’ homes I had seen. The children placed in my charge were going to become the Children of God

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Solo Parenting

Crushed Cheerios Moment

Crushed Cheerios coated their tiny milk-drenched feet as we cleaned up the result of the explosion of toddler frustration that followed my final, “No, ma’am!” Of all mornings to have a melt-down, my first day at my new job as a solo-mom. Did I mention my hair was in hot rollers and

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Solo Parenting

Scriptures for Mommy

Think about this: Jesus was a toddler. And, he was a PERFECT toddler! I’m not Mary – dare I say, YOU’RE not Mary, either. And, my children were surely not Jesus! I had 3 toddlers at 3 different times. By the time the third one hit her two’s, I had

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So, they don’t test well.

When my kids were in school, I often heard parents sharing that their kids didn’t “test well.” I realized what that could mean for a student when mine got a little older and weren’t testing well! We tried tutoring, peer tutoring, study groups, and lots of tears.  I wish we

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Under Pressure

Have you ever said to another mom anything resembling, “Ya know, this parenting gig isn’t that hard. I think I’ve arrived. I could totally teach a master class on mommin’. And I feel no pressure at all to get it right – I don’t know why everyone else can be

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Stay At Home Moms & Empty Nesting

I remember being I stay at home mom. I felt myself losing my autonomy pretty soon after my first daughter was born . A friend of mine was in a really cool make up business. You know, one of the direct selling MLM businesses. She would go to peoples houses

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I stole his last name.

But it took an act of congress to change it on all my stuff! They finally have made this simple – Newlywed Name Change Kit for Bride & Groom New Bride Name Change Kit Bridesmaids and Moms of Brides, give this as a gift to the blushing bride! #beholdherlife

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Connecting Moms To Be Free

Downloading the Videos from Rebekah Lyons we will be watching at our next six gatherings is simple with  I know some of you may be like me – and want to watch it more than once!  They are only $2.99 per download.  And, you can watch them over and

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Connecting Moms of Daughters

Last night, we had our FIRST GATHERING for the Moms of Daughters Life Group!  Doing Life with you ladies is going to be SO FUN!  I was so encouraged by your willingness to share and love each other.  The enemy of our souls despises that connection, ya know!  So, guard

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