
Category: Mean Girls


Connecting Moms To Be Free

Downloading the Videos from Rebekah Lyons we will be watching at our next six gatherings is simple with  I know some of you may be like me – and want to watch it more than once!  They are only $2.99 per download.  And, you can watch them over and

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Once upon a time, I deleted Facebook.

I once deleted Facebook for several years. Facebook makes people a little goofy sometimes! It’s often used as a tool to hurt people. It’s a shame it’s used for bullying – it’s a manipulative tool in the wrong hands. Even in the hands of family. In 2009, I received a

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Learning to “Zip It” Changed My Life.

Click here to buy before the sale is gone!  Zip It on sale! DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK! Today, it’s only $1.99! This real-read is changing my life, daily! Karen’s book covers eight major topics: taming our tempers, sarcasm, gossip, gracious speech, sweet and salty language, asking for forgiveness, whether to speak

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Are you Stirring things up on Social Media?

Connect Everywhere!♥️ Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works! Using social media for The Kingdom, for encouragement, for sharing our lives – stirring one another up to LOVE. THAT is the goal! Sure, we share recipes, family pictures and selfies

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Cyber bullying Awareness Month

Cyberbully awareness Month has been very eye opening. After walking through this with two daughters – in middle school high school and in College – educating myself and others regarding laws and prevention has become increasingly important. Knowing WHY this happens is a big part of prevention but NOT RETALIATING

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Mean Girl Consequences

The power of your words-stronger than you think! Or maybe, you know already-bullies. What you are saying and texting, posting, tweeting or gossiping about the girl you’ve targeted will stay with her. When will you stop? Will it be when it happens to you? When you reach high school? College?

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As time continues, young women are becoming less aware of their value. Our worth is not tied to what we have been conditioned to measure it by. God places tremendous value on us. It’s each generation’s challenge to remind each other who HE says we are. Perhaps, we have forgotten,

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