
Today has definitely been an all hands on deck kind of day! The storms in our area have been really testing our family the past 24 hours. But, we say, "Peace to it." And, make a few references to Noah and Jesus and rain.

This morning was scheduled to be an early drop off at 5:30am for us to spend the day with Baby Ira while his amazing Mommy and Daddy work at their jobs. It has also been raining for about 15 hours straight! Our front yard tends to look a little like Lake Texoma when it rains – which makes it difficult to drop off a baby at our front door entrance! We are a family of problem solvers! When all Hell Breaks Loose, I am Calm as a Baby. Psalm 27:3-5 MSG.

So, Mommy and Ira came to the alley entry, Papa helped carry his things so Mommy could head to work. Pretty smooth!
About 4.3 minutes after she left, we lost power due to the storms. Not a flicker. Not a moment. Power was gone. And, we all immediately stepped into problem identifying and solving mode.

First problems we identified 5:45am:

  • Ira is still taking Mommy's milk from a bottle, so we knew that would need electricity to stay cold.
  • Also, it's Summertime in Texas and the temperature in the house was warming quickly.

Solution: I have been blessed with a few vouchers for a Luxury Hotel in our area and immediately flipped on my cell phone light (because it's so incredibly bright! Brighter than a flashlight. How is that possible?) to begin my search for the vouchers.

Problem: Then, I realized the vouchers are at my office!

Action Step toward a Solution:

  • I instructed everyone to tag team Ira, but pack a bag while I text one of the managers to secure a room for us, at least for the day.

Problems further identified:

  • With a baby, two daughters, my hubby, two dogs and myself to be considered, I knew we would not all be comfortable for long.
  • Within about 20 minutes, I received a text from Caroline letting me know she had JUST arrived at her place of work – which is 3 minutes from our house. She was unable to leave our neighborhood! We were flooded IN. She had to try 3 different ways to get out. Finally succeeding! And she also let me know Cody was stuck in standstill traffic on Hwy 75 South going to Rowlett Fire Station for his shift. Late and no movement on south or north-bound sides of the road.

Action Step preparing for the Solution:

  • I suggested everyone reach out to people they had made commitments to this morning, making them aware of the situation and their volunteer positions would be vacant for the morning.

Red Carpet for The Solution's Debut 6:00: My friend at The Hotel comp'd a room and four breakfasts for us and told us to load up and head over! Everything was waiting.

Plot Twist:

  • Ah, yet another problem arose in the midst of the provision. We had no car seat!

Solved in a moment: I connected Papa to Mommy for a car seat hand-off and we proceeded without incident!

6:10am – So, un-showered, not hearing back from the other people we were all serving with or had plans with, and not sure if we would be coming home to spoiled food etc, off we went! Singing praises and being joyful with Thanksgiving in our hearts with every step. Even through the stress of non-responsiveness and uncertainty. What tremendous provision we have from God in the storms of life when we are surrounded by family, or family of choice, who genuinely want to lend a hand in a time of need!

Grace rode in the back seat with the baby, helping keep him settled, My Lovey Hubby went ahead to the front desk to obtain keys and made a plan to meet us at the parking lot door near the elevators. Madison drove her car with all of our extra gear in it. And when we arrived, we worked together to get everything inside.

Ah, yet another problem arose in the midst of the provision! The Hotel parking/ guest door was not functioning! So, we played a musical people-as-door-stops game! It was so entertaining! If someone was not at that door, there was no way to get in unless you walk through the rain to the front doors!

Reminder: I am 6 weeks post-op of a full vertical incision total abdominal hysterectomy – and I have just begun hormone therapy which ALSO requires a comfortable temp for medications and my body temperature!

Springing into action is what we do! PANIC is not part of who we have ever been. We pray. We trust. And we take action. We all have different, yet, complimentary gifts and skill sets. And I am so thankful for that! If we were all really good at the same thing, we would still be stumped at how to get the baby inside the house from the front yard.

I am pleased to announce that everyone had a hearty breakfast and half of us have now showered! Ira has eaten a few times and is taking a nap!

What a fun little storm story and testimony of God's provision. And it's not over, yet. We still have most of the day remaining!

11:00am Praise the Lamb of God for answering our prayers and for my family – priorities, allowing each one to work in our gifts to settle the issues at hand and being a strong family unit. No Panic. No Swearing. No Worrying. Just Trusting God to give us what we need in a moment. He does. He is my Peace. He loves us. Oh, how He loves us.

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