
Category: Reach


Connecting Moms To Be Free

Downloading the Videos from Rebekah Lyons we will be watching at our next six gatherings is simple with  I know some of you may be like me – and want to watch it more than once!  They are only $2.99 per download.  And, you can watch them over and

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Start Here in 2018.

Luke. Chapter Five. Start here in 2018. What a faith walking chapter this is! I love the place in the text where Jesus simply tells the men in the boat to put it in deeper water and cast a net. They thought they had hauled in all there was to

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What Do You See?

It’s been a little while since I posted a “Beauty” entry! I was thinking this morning that this mirror image we see when we are applying makeup or as we are cleaning up our eyebrows is not at all what other see when they look at us. It is certainly

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Ready or Not

… Here I Come! I keep seeing alllllll these posts about how incredibly ready people are to kick 2016 out and welcome in the new year.  I can totally relate, most years.  But,

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International Women’s Day 2015

Share this post! Copy and paste this link: Many people are so excited about International Women’s Day today! At #BeholdHerLife we believe every day we should Behold the Women in our lives… BUT, If there IS a day set aside to honor women, why not check that out? So,

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Sticky Sweet Month

This is the first February I have really, really been looking forward to in a very long time.  Being a solo mom for so many years, whether dating someone in February or not, I sort of conditioned myself to have no hope for the “love stuff” on Valentine’s Day.  Combine

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The Shade Tree

For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard the story of Jonah in the belly of the Whale.   As a mother of young children, I told the story as a teaching tool prior to disobedience and and “remember what happened to Jonah” speech when the kiddos acted up!

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As time continues, young women are becoming less aware of their value. Our worth is not tied to what we have been conditioned to measure it by. God places tremendous value on us. It’s each generation’s challenge to remind each other who HE says we are. Perhaps, we have forgotten,

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