
Why I Didn’t Try RevitalU

I was not going to try that RevitalU Coffee. Nope, wasn’t gonna do it!  I kept seeing things REPEATEDLY in my Social Feeds about it – so I inquired, quietly about what the ingredients are and what the buzz is about.  I received the list of ingredients and ran them by my Doc’s office.  I drink a fair amount of caffeine already, so I knew I would need to adjust that piece of the equation.  And, after monitoring my heart rate, we decided with a stamp of approval, that I can try it. So – I messaged my friend and told her I didn’t want to TRY it. I told her I wanted IN! And, I BOUGHT IT!

My friends and family are drinking it in everything!  Orange Juice, Hot Water ( coffee ) , Ice Cream Milk Shake, A Protein Smoothie, and, of course, I HAD to try it in my Sweet Tea! It’s a Texas Thang, y’all.  And, my focus and energy are incredibly increased!

I put a little video on my Facebook Page & everyone wanted to know where my COFFEE came from and where I got the cool Keep Cup, so here’s the info:


It’s RevitalU! And, you can get a FREE 3-day Sample by following this link:


Or, Order a tub HERE.

And, you’re welcome to become part of my amazing team of men and women who are GAINING Focus, INCREASING Energy & LOSING Weight: Totally Selling This Stuff.

And, I usually have an extra TUB or two on-hand so you can email me and I am happy to connect with you if you’re local!

What goes in MY RevitalU Fave Recipe?

One Scoop of RevitalU Brew

Three Generous Squeezes of Nature Nate’s Honey – tell him Cousin Mel says, “Heyyy.”

And Vanilla International Delight One Touch Latte (New at your favorite Grocer, in the Dairy Section) until it’s the same color as the beach after a light rain.

I use a Keurig, but you can just add the Brew + Honey to your Keep Cup, add water, top with Vanilla One Touch Delight!

What’s it GO IN?

The cup – Keep Cup. Buy yours here: (Click the Pic)

And THAT is the SKINNY for today!

#BeholdHerLife – Follow me on social platforms + “beholdherlife”

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